First Certificate Masterclass - Updated for the revised FCE exam
The highly successful course for ambitious Cambridge FCE candidates.
Key features - Detailed 'Dos and Don'ts' on how to approach Cambridge FCE tasks.
- A greater emphasis on vocabulary.
- Guided extracts from recorded Speaking tests.
- A Writing Guide containing model answers and ideas for Paper 2.
- Tests and photocopiable activities available online.
Available from February 2008 for the revised FCE (December 2008), with new
Multi-ROM (available only with the Workbook), with listening material and a link to two online tests.
Each practice test replicates the actual test, but is not completed in test conditions, allowing students to:
- Click on any unfamiliar word to link to an explanation from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary.
- Use the tips for advice that will improve their scores.
- Refer to the correct answer before submitting their answers for marking.
- Submit either a question, a part, or a complete paper for marking before re-submitting the whole test for final marking.
- Choose to send/give their essay to a teacher for marking, and for the mark to be integrated into the overall test score.
- Use each test for three months once activated
- Škola:
- SŠ
- Číselné označení:
- Pohlaví:
- Holka
- Pohlaví:
- Kluk
- EAN kód:
- 9780194522045
- Rok vydání:
- 2008
- Formát:
- A4, sešitová
- Počet stran:
- 96
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